Tuesday, May 1, 2018

Through the eyes of a tourist

Since been back in Chattanooga, Tennessee, I have been reflecting back on my time in Australia. I cannot help but feel overwhelmingly thankful that I was able to take this amazing adventure and have so many opportunities along the way. I have been explaining to my friends and family that I feel like a different person after coming back from Australia. I have learned so much about Australia and myself over my time abroad and know that I will be taking a lot of amazing memories and knowledge back with me to the states.
Alongside of my stuffed suitcases and many souvenirs, I have taken so much knowledge with me back to the states. I have taken back my increased confidence and have carried it with me through meeting new people, applying for internships and looking for my next adventure to push me out of my comfort zone. I have also taken back all that I have learned about culture and communication. The ability to communicate across different cultures is of increasing importance in today’s world and is something that I have really grown to enjoy. I look forward to embracing different cultures in every opportunity that I get. I bring back a desire to learn more about cultures and other people. I also have returned with a very important lesson about seeing the place that you live in. One day in class we were discussing the beauty of Bondi Beach and how the Australians never recommend going to that beach. We talked about how they did not see the beauty that it held because they were used to it. It is very common that when you live in a place for a while, you start to forget its beauty as everything becomes usual. I never got used to the beauty of Australia and still am in awe over it; it blows my mind that everyone does not recognize the magnificence of the country. But then I think of Tennessee and how people often forget the beauty of the mountains that we have right in our backyard. I was thinking about this concept and realized that I had not gone hiking in the many places around campus. I had not gone to Max Patch or had a picnic in one of the many beautiful parks around the University of Tennessee. I had somewhat let the beauty of my every day surroundings get lost. Australia has taught me that I love every day adventures and that I love to push myself and grow. I never tired of the Australian costal walks or sitting in front of the Opera House on my lunch break every single day. One day at work I was talking with one of my co-workers about everything that I have gotten to do here in Australia. She was amazed and even said that I have done more than some Australians have in their whole entire lifetime here. When I responded to her, I felt like it all clicked. When you have a limited amount of time in a place, you often choose to see everything through the eyes of a tourist. Seeing through the eyes of a tourist allows you to witness everything that is new and exciting. You also have the mindset that your time will run out in this place and this fills you with the urgency to do everything you can while you are there. I felt this and truly did everything I could while in Australia; I soaked up every moment and took every adventure that I was able. I want to bring this back with me. I want to view my surroundings through the eyes of a tourist. I want to re-witness the beauty of Tennessee and see all of the opportunities that I have around me at UTK. I want to do everything that I can, because I do really only have a limited time here. After Australia, I want to look at everything around through the eyes of a tourist so that I can see its beauty and take all the adventures I can.

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