Wednesday, April 18, 2018

All my bags are packed, but am I ready to go?

I officially have less than a week left in the beautiful Australia and am feeling all types of ways. This has been one of the most beneficial and exciting experiences of my life. I was privileged enough to have the opportunity to live, study and work nine thousand miles from my small town of Franklin, Tennessee in the big Sydney city. I have done quite a bit of reflecting this week as I prepare to return to the states and I have come to realise how much I love Australia. I have gotten to eat the prettiest food, gone to numerous gorgeous beaches, hiked beautiful mountains, pet kangaroos, seen bats, swam in the Bondi icebergs, and fought off a huntsman spider (JK I ran). It has been quite an experience from start to finish. I have even gotten to experience some Australian holidays as well as American ones which has been extremely eye opening and entertaining. Australians know how to party. I have met a plethora of new people, completely different from everyone I know at home. It has been these encounters and experiences that I, myself have grown.

Our group jokes about having an Australian persona that is different from who/how we are in the states, but honestly it is true. I have been more adventurous, outgoing, and taken liberties in self improvement and creativity during my time here. I have journaled, tried new foods (and FRUIT!), met new people, snorkelled one of the wonders of the world. There really is an Aussie Carlson and and American Carson and I intend to merge these two characters. **For all you folks back home, the coffee shop I always go to here thinks my name is Carlson and I've never corrected them and it has become a nickname**. There has been a lot of self exploration and I definitely think I have come out of this experience a better person, more aware of the world and my place in it. I feel like I have more aspirations and momentum to pursue my goals than I did four months ago.

As we near the end of our time down under, things have gotten sentimental. I am truely blessed to have spent these past three months with such an amazing group of people. To my Whitsundays crew, my lovely 608 ladies and the best roommate I could have asked for, I do not know what I would have done without yall. Cheers to many more memories back in Knoxville before we end our time in college.

I think the universe knows I am about to come home because every time I shuffle my music, John Denver plays. There are so many reasons to be ready to go back to Tennessee, hug my family, see my Big off to graduate, celebrate my 21 with my best friends, cuddle my kittens and most importantly end this thirst for sweet tea. As excited as I am to return home, I am deeply saddened to leave Australia. There is so much unfinished business and while I have accomplished so much, there is so much more I want to do. Though I have no idea when I will return, I know this isn't the end for us, 'Straya.

Til we meet again Australia, cheers! It's been a blast.

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