Saturday, April 28, 2018

Constant Time

What an AMAZING time I’ve had in Sydney. I am so thankful to each my fellow CCI Global Scholars for making this semester what it was. I will never forget this life changing experience.

I’ve had so many fun times. From travelling throughout New Zealand, scuba diving the Great Barrier Reef, hanging out with kangaroos at surf camp, to just exploring Sydney with my best friends. Each of these things along with many more brought so much joy and happiness to my life. I will be forever thankful for these fond memories.

Along with the good times, there were also some not so good times. I would get homesick and want nothing more than to be at home with my family and friends. It took a little while to get adjusted and fit in to my new workplace, and the initial weeks were a bit difficult in trying to feel like I belonged. The different culture also took a little bit to get adjusted to and made it hard to feel like I could really call Sydney my home.

In dealing with all of these things, I learned so much about life and about myself. I learned how to handle adversity and to keep my head up no matter what. Life will go on. I am more confident in myself and in my abilities to be a grown person. After conquering studying abroad, I feel like I can conquer anything. Graduating college is still scary, but I have no doubt that I will be just fine.

As much as I wanted the time to slow down while I was in Australia, it didn’t. And even times when I was feeling down and wanted time to speed up, it didn’t. Time is always constant. It doesn’t matter how much fun you are having or how badly you wish time would stand still so you could savor the moments for longer, time marches on. And it doesn’t matter how sad you are or how badly you wish time would speed up to get you through the hard times, it wont.

I had to learn to be thankful for each phase of life. Each phase passes, the good and the bad, so its best to make the most of each. I had such a great time in Australia, despite a few bumps in the road. Each day was something unique and something to learn from. Each up and each down gave me a new outlook on life. Every minute, while technically being the same as every other minute, held something so different from the others that has made me who I am today. I am thankful to time for being so constant yet so full of unique minutes.

Time is constant. It wont slow down and it wont speed up regardless of what you want. It will always be the same. So, make the most of your time. If it’s a bad time, it’ll pass. Learn from the adversity and come out stronger from it. If it’s a good time, be thankful. Enjoy your moments and come out remembering how blessed we are to be alive. There is something to learn from each phase of time.

I am going to continue to make the most of each coming minute regardless of where I am on this beautiful planet. I can’t believe this semester is already over, but I know that every day I am steadily drawing closer to my next big adventure. And in the meantime, I am continuing to learn and grow with each unique minute that passes.

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