Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Dear Future Self,

Dear Future Self,

Please never forget this experience.
Capture and engrave it in your mind like constant film reel playing on repeat.
This experience is not like any other it is unique, full of wonder, and huge possibility.
You were given this opportunity by grace and for that, you will be forever indebted to all the people who made your time in Sydney possible. You are firm believer that everything happens for a reason and now realized why exactly you were placed in Australia. You had so much I had to learn not only about yourself but others. Everything in your life is good, some days it may not feel that way in fact in may feel like the exact opposite- but indeed it is still good. There was a moment in Australia where you found a piece of you that you lost. You clung onto the mantra "good gets better." To be honest its 3 words but it resonated with you in ways I have never seen before. The idea that life is good but it gets better, People are good and there is always room to be better, Work is a job and it is good but it gets better. Every obstacle in life is good , every-single-one. When it feels awful and miserable Future  Self I can promise you it will get better. My mother always had a phrase she would say when the whole world feels like its coming down in pieces "This too will pass." Almost as though this leaky roof life your living will get better because its just a storm passing through. Its completely temporary, you have all the power to change you mindset, challenge people to be better and all in all be better.
Well, because, good gets better.


Sammy Baker April 2019

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