Wednesday, April 18, 2018

The Final Home Stretch

I can’t believe this program has flown by so quickly. In the span of three and a half months I have done so much, seen so much, learned a ton and have grown a lot. I still have two weeks left in Australia (can’t wait to visit my family in Melbourne and Adelaide!), but honestly part of me isn’t ready to go home. As much as I miss my family, friends, Southern food and home in general, there’s a part of me that doesn’t want this whole experience to end. I have truly fallen in love with this place.

Over the course of the semester, all of us here have grown closer together. We have become a family and even though I know we’ll still hang out on campus, it makes me sad thinking that our time here is ending because of all the memories and times we’ve had together. We joke that we were so young when we stepped off the plane in January, but in part, that’s really true. We were young and inexperienced when it came to Australia and the program. We barely knew each other, and we were facing a whole semester of living together.

Now, a part of me isn’t ready to say goodbye and see everyone off as they get on a plane home. It’s going to be so weird not coming home after work and hanging out with everyone in our apartment watching Friends on T.V. and talking about our day. It’s going to feel so weird today when I leave Altmedia for the last time, walk out into the cool evening air and know that I won’t be waking up on Monday to get to the office to work.

I am so grateful for all the lessons I have learned through my internship. I’m not going to lie, it was a tough journey for me. It wasn’t at all what I expected and, in many ways, opened my eyes to the journalism world and to the work world in general. You know when you have moments when you question all your life choices and wonder if what you’ve decided to do with your life is truly what you want to do? Well, if anything, this internship has shown me that I made the right choice. Yeah, it’s going to get tough at times, but there are also moments when it’s going to be so much fun. The feedback I received from my supervisor and the critiques I have been given have pushed me to do better and reflecting back, I have grown as a journalist. So, thank you. Thank you for teaching me lessons that truly helped me grow.

Now, being here four months has allowed me to do so, so much. I’ve mentioned so much in my other blogs about what I’ve done, but I’m sure you haven’t read through all of them. So, I want to end this final blog with a recap of some of the highlights of my trip here, my top favorite moments that I will forever be telling people, and to those who are going to hear these stories over and over and over again, I’m going to go ahead and apologize now. But hey, this was a once-in-a-lifetime experience and I’m never going to forget. So, my highlights for this program:

The Great Barrier Reef
So, this one has got to be my top one! I have had snorkeling The Great Barrier Reef on my bucket list since I was 12 and it finally came true! Last weekend, a group of us flew up to Cairns and got to snorkel the reef and it was magical. It truly was everything I imagined and more and I am so happy I got to go on this adventure with such an amazing group.

Spring Break: New Zealand Adventure
Okay, so I know this isn’t in Australia, but it was a part of my time studying abroad and it was a crazy time. Nothing went according to plan, but because of that, I have so many fond memories and stories and I overcame my fears, which allowed me to experience a lot of firsts like paragliding and canyoning.

Surf Camp
Hey, when in Australia… This was by far one of my favorite moments on this camp, especially when I finally stood up on a surfboard and caught a wave. Oh, and getting to pet kangaroos and sting rays was also amazing!

An Opera at the Sydney Opera House
Thank you again Dr. Miller, Dr. Swan and the CCI college for getting us tickets to see Carmen at the Sydney Opera House. I absolutely loved the opera and getting to experience it at the Opera House was mind-blowing.

Soda Factory: Furnace and the Fundamentals
I have so many great memories from Soda Factory, from my first time there with everyone to going back again to listen to Furnace and the Fundamentals perform (twice!). Each time, I loved the speak-easy style and atmosphere and dancing and singing with my friends. (Sorry, I don't have a photo for this one)

The Blue Mountains
A little piece of home, away from home. Seeing the Blue Mountains was exciting because I looked out onto the landscape and felt like I was home. It was a great reminder to find the little things that remind me of home and incorporate them into my time here.

CCI Global Scholars
This entire program has been a highlight for me. I have gotten to do amazing things and learn in a real life work setting which is an incredible experience that not many get to do. I have made friends, I have written articles that have been published, I have traveled a different part of the world, and I have grown. If you are thinking about doing this program, I highly recommend because it is worth it, and you will not regret it.  

So, I guess this is it. The last home stretch of my time here in Australia. After this week, I’ll be traveling to Melbourne and Adelaide and then heading back home in just two short weeks (though I know it seems longer for my Mom; I promise I’m almost home!). I am so thankful for everything that I have gotten to see, do and live through here and for the CCI Global Scholars program and Dr. Swan and Dr. Miller for selecting me to go on this program. It has meant the world to me and has helped me grow and learn so much. I can’t wait to take all that I have learned and apply it back home and to my future.

Until next time.


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