Monday, April 16, 2018

Grateful is an Understatement

My final blog post.  I am shocked at how my time in Sydney has flown by because it feels like I just got here.  All of the preparation, time and excitement that has built up before the trip started is now all gone.  Even though my trip to Sydney has come to an end, there are things that I will forever hold onto as I hop on the 24-hour flight back home.  The memories I have made and the experiences I have encountered have all had lasting impressions on me as a person.  So to commemorate our experience I figured I would write a farewell letter to Sydney and my CCI family that has made my experience one I will never forget.

To my CCI Family:

Cheyenne: Thank you for being constant support for me throughout my time here.  From pushing me into my faith, to our late night roommate conversations, I cannot imagine sharing a tiny room with anyone else.  I am forever grateful you chose to spend your last semester of college as my roommate.

Liza: This trip would not be the same without Rosemary Cunningham, from your contagious laugh to your genuine love for everyone around you, you have made this trip one of a kind.  I cannot wait to see all that you accomplish.  Remember how special you are and never forget that.

Sammy: Your adventurous and laid-back lifestyle has made this trip even more fun than I could have imagined.  I love how care-free you are and it is something I strive to be more of.  I know you have a great future ahead of you and I cannot wait to see where in the world you travel to next.  Keep being you.

Christina: The excitement you bring to any situation is something that I appreciate so much.  You constantly have the best style and know how to make any day better by just putting on a smile.  I know you will come back to Sydney one day to visit the outback, and road trip across this beautiful country.  Just make sure to send me pictures!

Eli:  You bring SO much happiness to this family.  You make every day brighter and no matter the situation (even if it may be booking the wrong flight) you are always positive.  Your love for animals and making the world a better place will go so far.  Always remember that.

Sophie: Sophie you are such a strong hearted girl, who never fails to have a great time in any situation.  You always see the good in everyone and you stick right to the point.  Your love for your career path will take you so many places.  I look forward to seeing all that you do in the future and I am so glad I have been able to get to know you. 

Eva: Even though life can get hard you are always willing to put things aside and focus on the moment.  You are so strong in everything you do even if you don’t know it.  You are constantly joking around and making everyone around you laugh so hard.  I know you will do great things in life, remember to give yourself more credit than you think you deserve because you are awesome!

Ryan: When you let people get to know you, you bring out a hilarious and fun side that makes everyone around you happy.  As one of only four guys on this trip you were constantly enjoying each day, making the most out of it and just wanting to have fun.  That attitude of life will take you so many places.

Cal:  From the beginning you fit right in with everyone.  Making sure to include everyone and simply smiling even with third degree sunburns.  You always had genuine care for everyone on the trip and were constantly joking around for all of us to laugh even when we didn’t want to, keep on smiling.

Addie:  I will never forget that moscato at Hunter Valley and the look we gave each other when we first tried it.  I love how you are so care free and love to try anything and everything.  From surf camp, to the wine tour you were never afraid of new experiences and you were always willing to hang out with anyone and everyone.

Abigail:  Your humor is one of a kind.  I loved the wine tour and seeing you catch waves at surf camp almost faster than everyone.  There are so many things you should be proud of and always remember that.  Make sure to send me something signed so I can have it when you become famous. 

JJ:  Thank you for always being the dad of the group.  I honestly don’t think we would have been able to survive our New Zealand trip without your constant reassurance that “everything is going to be okay”.  Your adventurous side will treat you so well in life.  Even when you are unsure of a trip or a plan, make sure you go for it.  That trip will change you just as this one has.

Gabby: You have always enjoyed every moment of this trip and that should be recognized.  You work so hard in everything you do and it clearly shows to the rest of us.  Keep writing stories and pushing towards your dream of being a successful reporter.  I know you will get there, and even though you may not know it, this trip will definitely push you in the right direction.

Carson:  You have such a happiness that surrounds you.  Whenever something bad or weird happens you always have a smile on your face.  You are probably excited to go home and finally see your family but never forget this trip and all that you have experienced with it.  Keep loving Disney and taking selfies for your mom everywhere you travel because those are what make you unique.

Alli: You are a strong girl with so much to offer.  I can see that opening up to the group and doing things with everyone has made this experience so much better and I am so glad that you have.  Always remember how strong you are and never forget that you always have us to lean on.

Victoria: Your passion for you career and the drive you have at work constantly pushed me in what I was doing.   Even when work may have been tough, you pushed through it.  It is exciting to see the love you have for Sydney.  I know that you will be back one day and I cannot wait to hear what you do when you visit again. 

Joe:  Even when you said bad things about Jersey I knew you were joking because that’s just your personality.  You make everyone around you laugh with your weird but great sense of humor.  The Great Barrier Reef trip with everyone and Mario Kart marathons with Eva and Liza and I always made for hilarious laughs.

Sarah:  I know that you genuinely care for everyone around you.  I loved getting to know you more at the Great Barrier Reef and seeing your reaction to The Post makes me know how hard you will work to get the career you desire.  I am so glad to have gotten to know you a bit more this trip.

Dr. Miller: Thank you for being the groups support system throughout our time in Australia, I know how much you love Sydney and I cannot wait to see how you inspire next year’s group just as you have ours.  You have so much insight into traveling and everything that goes into this program that it would not be the same without you.  I will be asking you for advice the rest of college.

Sam Swan: Thank you for making this program a reality.  Without being accepted to the program and experiencing life on the other side of the world, I would not be the same person I am today.  I hope one day you make it over to visit because I know you will love it just as we all did.

My Family and Friends: I wouldn’t have been able to experience this journey without each and every one of you.  There is no amount of thank you’s I can say to make up for this amazing trip I have been on.  I love you all so much and it is people like you that help push me to say yes and follow my dreams.   

Sydney, Australia you were one heck of an adventure.  You taught me about myself, in more ways than I can count.  This beautiful place and the memories I have made here will always be in the back of my mind.  This isn’t a goodbye, just a see you later because I know I will be back again one day.


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