Friday, April 27, 2018

Looking Back and Looking Ahead

            Looking back at this trip from the end of it all, I do not know where to begin. Studying abroad in a foreign country was a major decision to make. There are so many stipulations that go into making a choice like this, but I am so happy I decided to study in Sydney, Australia. The country is absolutely breathtaking. We traveled to the country in the heat of Summer and left just before the chill of Fall began. From the beaches, rainforests, harbor area, and all of our travels, it is no wonder why the country is called one of the most beautiful in the world. Every day you have a choice to take a train/bus to the beach or explore the city as a whole. No matter where you go, every place is more breathtaking than the next. My favorite places I went in Australia were Bondi Beach, Ijams Beach, The Whitsunday Islands, Circular Quay, Darling Harbor, Watsons Bay, Bronte Beach, and so many others. They all have a special meaning to me because of the things we did there and the people I went with.

            I would say the trip was so special because of the place we were staying, but this is only half of the truth. The group that came on this trip left the U.S. not knowing hardly anyone we were going with. We had a few dinners together and spoke at our orientation meetings before the trip, but had not had the opportunity to get to know each other very well. At the end of this trip, I can say that all the people on this trip have become some of my greatest friends and each of them has a place in my heart. Everyone was so goofy and different in his or her own way, which made the trip so entertaining. We also looked out for each other and did many activities together like traveling across the country or taking a bus to a new destination. The people that came on this trip made the experience so much more enjoyable than it already was and I won’t ever forget any of them. The staffs from ISA, Dr. Miller, & Dr. Swan were also so helpful with teaching us the layout of the city and helping us learn how to assimilate into a new culture. If they had not been there to guide us the first month or so of the trip, it would have been a completely different experience. I am so glad I made the choice to come study abroad in this wonderful country. I realize it is a major decision to make. However, if you have already made the decision, you are going to have the best trip of your life. You will grow and change in such a positive way for the better. I won’t sugarcoat it, the classes are tough and it’s a decent amount of work. But here’s the kicker, you get about 80% of the classes done in the first month alone! The last two months you are in an internship and will get to meet so many extraordinary people that want to see and help you grow. During this time you have the chance to travel/explore the city as much as you want or as little as you want. The choice is up to you. Just remember, this trip will fly by, it will leave you with a wonderful group of friends, it will teach you more than you can imagine, and most importantly, it will be a period of your life you will never forget.     


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