Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Life Lessons

11 planes, 8 cities, and countless memories later my time in Sydney has come to a close. I want to thank my fellow CCI Global Scholars for making this experience my greatest adventure so far. We all have become so close, and I have no idea what I'm going to do without you guys. Thank you to Dr. Swan and Dr. Miller for making this program happen. It is so amazing, and I can't wait for the 2019 group to go. I truly couldn't have picked a better way to spend my last semester of college!

Here's some things I learned about myself and life along the way...

Before Australia, I had only traveled out of the States once. My first month being here a Chilean girl said to me, "what is it like to be outside of your American bubble?" At first, I was annoyed she had the audacity to say that to me, but I quickly realized how easy it is to get caught up in the "American bubble" she was talking about. I love where I'm from, but it does seem like I get judged very quickly when I tell someone I'm American. I strive to make sure people don't see me as just an American, but as a woman who is from America and believes it's important for everyone to be respectful of other cultures.

Before Australia, I was a girl who found her worth in always having a relationship. I have never written or said that out loud until now, but I've heard that the truth will set you free. I found my truth with relationships in Australia, and I find my worth only in Jesus.

Before Australia, I was not exactly an outdoorsy person. You have not hiked until you have done it in the Australian heat. Snorkeling the Great Barrier Reef was not the easiest thing. Try swimming against a strong ocean current for three hours straight, but it was by far one of the greatest highlights of my life. I have realized how beautiful our world is and how important it is to explore it!

Before Australia, I appreciated my car, but now I have an extremely deeper appreciation for it. I realized I should wake up everyday and tell my parents thank you for my car. And then say thank you about ten times throughout the day. And probably one more time before bed and it still wouldn't be enough thank you's. Try carrying all of your groceries for miles and you will understand. It's not fun at all.

Before Australia, I was the pickiest eater. I would say no to this and no to that about everything. It's quite funny how many times I have eaten something in Australia then asked what I just put into my mouth.

Before Australia, I would have never imagined packing up my whole life into two suitcases. I will be the first to say I have a lot of material things, and have a long way to go when diminishing this number. However, it is such a great feeling to consolidate into just some suitcases.

My biggest lesson was - eat, pray, love. I watched the movie on the flight home, and I really don't think there is a better way to describe my last 3.5 months. I ate more than I can put into words. I prayed almost every single day. I loved more than I ever thought I could.

So friends, I leave you with a challenge...to visit Australia and watch "Eat, Pray, Love" on your way there. xx


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