Friday, March 30, 2018

Australian Tea

So anybody from the south should drink tea. At the very least we drink sweet tea but occasionally we channel our inner brit and whip up a cup of hot tea. Peppermint, green, breakfast or even lemon tea. At work there are different flavors of tea stashed everywhere in the office that anyone is welcome to. So one day I get a thing of peppermint tea and fill up the wizard of oz mug I found with water and put it in the microwave. When I came back approximately a minute and 45 seconds later my supervisor was waiting for me in the kitchen. Now, she is from England and makes tea at the office several times a day. So when she saw that I had the audacity to heat up my tea in the microwave, boy did I get an awakening. I got a full on, hilarious lecture about using an electric kettle to make a proper cup o tea and not the “s***” I was used to. 

She then poured out my original cup and made me a new one the proper way. THEN went into the main room and informed the whole office what the intern did. So it turned into about twenty minutes of jokes about tea and the whole office being in shock. We have learned over our time here that Australians cuss more freely than Americans, so I have censored the language. THEN the whole office told everyone they knew about the incident and so every five minutes for the rest of the day I was still getting picked on. (All in good fun, my coworkers are great, I was laughing the whole time).

As you can see, Australia is still treating me well! I have watched Furnace and the Fundamentals tear it up at The Soda Factory, explored Newtown, celebrated St Patty’s Day, walked on the whitest sand in the world, vibes at reggae Monday at Lansdowne and enjoyed ice cream and haunted houses at Luna park. Hard to believe that we have less than a month left Down Under and there is so much more I want to do. However, I have started my bucket list of things I miss from home that I am eager to start crossing off. MISS YOU MOM!



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