Thursday, March 8, 2018

Queenstown Best Town

Hello everyone,

So if you have read the blog posts of my friends who posted about our chaotic time in New Zealand, you are already aware of the shenanigans we got ourselves into as soon as we stepped foot off of the plane without any plans. Although we feared that we were going to be homeless for several days in a row, everything always somehow worked out. In fact, at a time when morale was super low and we were going to resort to begging strangers to let us sleep on their floor, we saw a rainbow and a few minutes after, we saw a man wearing a jacket with a power T. That was our ray of hope, and we knew we were going to be okay. Long story short, we never went a day without a roof over our head, and made some of the best memories of our lives. 
What I want to focus on is our stay in Queenstown. Upon arrival to Queenstown, we ate, checked in to our backpacker accommodation (which was also a bar and I was confused), and took all of the beautiful scenery in. I mean New Zealand is now where I eventually want my honeymoon to be, because man oh man was it pretty! I have never laid eyes on a prettier place. We then jumped right in to the day's activities. We decided that we wanted to ride a jet boat through a very narrow river with the most insane views of the snowy mountain tops. It was so fun, but at several points in time I feared for my life because we got so close to the cliffs that I thought they would decapitate me. That boat could go so fast and do 360 turns at the most unexpected times. Our driver laughed every time I flinched. When we got back from the jet boat ride, we went to a cool burger joint where I had the best cajun fries I have ever had in my life. I will most definitely be having dreams about them. After that we came home, showered, napped, then went on an organized bar crawl. It was quite interesting to say the least, but I had an absolute blast. Somehow we made our way to about six bars in one nightWe met some awesome people, danced like nobody was watching, and laughed until our bellies hurt. An ice bar was included in this bar crawl, which was my personal favorite (even though the drinks tasted like red bull). After a long night of fun, we went home because we had a big day ahead of us the next day. 
Once we woke up, we went "canyoning" which was probably the best experience I have had thus far in my experience abroad. We zip lined, repelled, climbed, slid through rockslides, jumped off cliffs, and battled the freezing water in a canyon. There are no words to describe how much fun it was. After that, we came home, ate, and went to go get our adrenaline rushing again by paragliding. The view was so beautiful, and I had the time of my life. The motion sickness afterwards was so worth it. As the day wrapped up, we went to a cookie bar and stuffed our faces with cookies and milkshakes. I had a caramel cookie crunch milkshake, and if I had to guess it was the most terrible thing for my body that I have ever consumed but I still do not regret it. 
The point is, if you ever have the time and willingness to go to New Zealand, DO IT. Although there were many bumps in the road, I have so many stories to tell my family and friends once I get back home, and I know I will be making my way back to Queenstown at some point in my life.

Until next time,
Liza :)

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