Friday, March 30, 2018

Surfing in 'Straya

I had not planned on surfing being one of my excursions while in Australia. To be honest, the idea kind of scared me. I am not a very good swimmer and last time I participated in an adventures activity I broke some bones. But when the opportunity of surf camp came up, I could not say no. When else would I learn how to surf in Australia? So, I worked up the nerve to sign up and travel four hours to Bennelong Point for surf camp.

The first of many amazing experiences I had at surf camp was climbing out of the van and getting my breath taken away by the number of stars in the sky. The beach was far away from the city lights and was just a vast expansion of some of the brightest stars I have ever seen. Seeing and camping under the stars of the southern hemisphere was amazing. The campfire turned into a stargazing night where we learned all that we could about the new stars in front of our eyes.

Waking up and walking out of my tent in the morning and seeing three kangaroos laying outside was also incredible. Getting to pet a kangaroo is always a huge boost to your day. The wildlife at surf camp was probably my favorite part. Not only did we get to love on many kangaroos, we fed giant stingrays and got to surf with dolphins.

In addition to the wonderful wildlife, the scenery of Bennelong Point was unbelievable. We were right next to Jervis Bay, the whitest beach in the world. The beaches were very calming and beautiful. We also had the opportunity to swim in breathtaking rock pools.

Even though I was really nervous before our surfing lessons, it was all so worth it. It was fun to get out into the water and to try something that you have never tried before. It was incredibly difficult, but the feeling of finally standing on the board as a wave pushed you towards the sandy shore was magnificent.

I feel like I can do anything now. I am living in another country on the other side of the world, overcame a fear and finally stood up on a surfboard. It was such a fulfilling and amazing experience. Getting out of the busy city of Sydney, interacting with all of the wildlife and enjoying the nature of Australia revealed a new side of the Land Down Under. It was both a calming and exhilarating adventure that will stick with me as a travel back to the states.



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