Friday, March 30, 2018

With a Little Help From My Friends

Normally by this point on a trip, I would be counting down the days until I got to go home. Don’t get me wrong; I am missing my family, dogs, friends, and hometown very much. However, there is still so much I want to do and see in Sydney, Australia. Our group has already been through so much and seen many amazing spectacles in this beautiful city. All of the people on this trip have become so close to each other and are now some of my close friends. Without this trip, I wouldn’t have had the opportunity to meet them and other amazing people in the city. The reality is, traveling to a foreign country has taught and shown me many things about myself and about the world. I want to learn as much as I can in order to create the best and most professional version of myself. In order to do that, I want to never say no to an opportunity that will teach me valuable lessons or situations where I can network and meet new people.

If I continue to live my life with this philosophy in mind, I think that I will be very happy and successful in the future. Even though I am a communications major, my internship is at an Advertisement agency. Despite the difference, I am using this experience to learn new things and expand my mind. We have about three weeks left until the end of our trip and I still have a lot of information to gain from my time here. It has been an amazing journey, but sadly it will be ending soon. Before I leave, I hope that I can continue to learn, grow, and help my friends/coworkers in any ways that I can. Without the help of those who made it possible for me to be here I would have missed out on one of the best trips of my life. If I did not have the professors that taught me here and the coworkers that helped me assimilate into the culture at Bashful, I would not have grown so much over the course of this trip. I am so thankful for all the people that have made this trip so special for me and all the friends I have made during my time here.         

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