Friday, March 9, 2018

More Memorable Adventures

It has been a long few weeks since my last blog post. However, these past three weeks have been full of memories, work, and fun. My spring break group decided to do things a little differently than the group who went to New Zealand. We chose to go to the WhitSunday Islands and spend four days exploring, snorkeling, and hiking. From having no power on the first day, hiking 4 hours in the rain to a beach that did not exist, and ocean rafting in the rain while they played 'Rocky Top' on the speakers, it was definitely and adventure.

After an exciting break, it was difficult to get back to the city and get ready for work. The first few days of my internship were difficult, but I am now getting comfortable with my position and am getting to know my co workers. It is hard to believe that 2 weeks have already passed by with my internship, but I am excited about the weeks to come.

Overall, this experience has truly been incredible and I have had the opportunity to meet many people and see many different places that I never thought I would get to see. My internship has already helped prepare me for my future, with the experience that I am getting. While I am excited to see my friends and family again in a few weeks, it will be difficult having to leave here. It's hard to believe that there are only 6 more weeks left, but I am looking forward to the many more adventures  and memories to come.

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