Tuesday, January 23, 2018

From the North to the South to the Land Down Under

In the past two years I have lived in three different cities, experienced three different cultures and completely reinvented the way I view the world.  Originally from Princeton, New Jersey,  I knew that I had always wanted to go to a University that was out of state.  Nothing against New Jersey, but why not try something completely new for my last four years of freedom before I start that nine to five job.  That's where Tennessee came into play.  When I decided that Knoxville would become my new home, I was so excited.  Without knowing anyone, I packed my bags and started what I thought would be the most challenging move of my life.  Thrilled to be testing myself, I was nervous.  I mean what if I don't fit in, make friends or find my place? That's the thing about moving to a completely new place.  You never know what to expect.  Living in a different city is something that broadens your view to other ways of living.  Truth is, the tiny small town bubble you grew up in is actually an extremely small portion of the crazy but beautiful world we live in.   That is what I realized moving away for school.  There is so much more to do, experience and love about the world and life is way to short to not see it.  Therefore, although I love my school and the hometown I grew up in, I knew it was time to participate in something bigger than myself.  Where has that decision led me?  Well I am currently sitting in my apartment in Sydney, Australia writing this blog post to share my story.  For three months I will be taking classes at the University of Sydney, interning with a public relations firm and enjoying every moment along the way.  The decision to study abroad was not a hard one for me.  I have had previous experience with living in a new place and experiencing the many culture shocks.  I realized very quickly when I came to college that Tennessee and New Jersey are two very different places.  To me, learning a new way of life for college was exhilarating, so why not fly across the world and learn about another new culture for three months? That being said, this trip has not been an easy task.  In my first week here I have noticed many things that Sydney does not have that Princeton and Knoxville do.  Those include, easy internet access, ice machines, and my car for me to drive groceries home in.  However, Tennessee and New Jersey do not have the beautiful Sydney Harbour, Aussie accents and mouth-watering fish tacos.  Either way you look at it, there are pros and cons but I wouldn't trade the opportunity to experience this beautiful city for anything.  The way I see it, each day is a chance to learn about myself and the world in a new way.  For that I am forever grateful.  Here's to new experiences, learning about different cultures and continuing my journey to cities across the world.

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