Wednesday, January 24, 2018

The things you think you won't miss

How ya going?

My name is Allie and I am so happy to be a part of this year's CCI Global Scholars Cohort. Currently, I am a sophomore majoring in Journalism and Electronic Media with a minor in Leadership Studies and a special interest in doughnuts. After about 33 hours of travel time, I finally landed in Australia last week. Let me tell you, this week has already been a whirlwind of excitement, homesickness, and so many other feelings I can't put into words.

When I was thinking about how I would begin my blog I was struggling to pick out just one experience I've already had or summarize everything I've learned within the first week of class and exploring the city. It wasn't until Dr. Miller's class on Wednesday afternoon that I realized what I would share about my trip so far.

At the end of class, Dr. Miller asked us to write a letter to ourselves to refer back to during this rollercoaster of a program. I reflected back on the extreme highs and lows I've gone through this week from seeing the Pacific Ocean for the first time to having a good cry sesh about missing Knoxville. I ended up writing a two-page letter to myself about how I got here and where I want to go, but most importantly I reminded myself that everything is going to be okay.

My mind flashed back to an interview I had with Dr. Swan last year for admission into the program. He asked how close I was with my family and if I thought missing them would be an issue for me. "No, not at all!" I dismissed. Boy, was I wrong. This week has really challenged my confidence in myself and my relationships with those I love back home more than ever. It wasn't just the people either; I discovered that I had been taking Knoxville cuisine seriously for granted once my seafood-hating tastebuds were met with fish and chips at every turn.

There's no doubt, this week has been much more difficult for me than I planned, but I have to admit Sydney isn't a bad place to feel bad in. Writing the letter gave me the perspective, insight, and guidance that I've been searching all week and I hope will carry me through the next 13 weeks. Although I rarely follow it, I give pretty great advice. So, I decided to attach just a little bit of my letter as a mantra for myself as I navigate through living, learning, and interning thousands of miles away from home and for anyone reading and in need of some inspiration no matter what the situation you're facing.

"Don't be afraid to let this trip change you and embrace every bit of it. I'll see you on the other side. Until then, trust yourself, take it one day at a time, and go get 'em!

I know you will."

Love, Allie

p.s. follow me on Instagram (@allieclouse) to see all my Australian adventures!

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