Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Through the eyes of a tourist

Before arriving in Sydney, I compiled an Australian bucket list. On this list, I included typical tourist attractions like touring the Opera House, climbing the Sydney Harbor Bridge, and visiting the Taronga zoo. I also included cute eateries and places to travel on the weekends. So far, I have marked off many of the typical tourist attractions, and this Sunday I’m climbing the Sydney Harbor Bridge. Even though the word “tourist” typically has a negative connotation, I’ve found that I enjoy myself more when I see things through new eyes.

Through the eyes of a tourist, everything is new and exciting. The first time I saw the Sydney Opera House through the window on the train, I almost cried. Seriously. After seeing pictures of this beautiful building for months, it was finally in front of me. I can’t imagine the day I go to Circular Quay (the area with the Opera House and the Harbor Bridge) and not feel the same butterflies in my stomach.

Bondi Beach is known as a tourist beach and is actively avoided by locals for this very reason. I immediately fell in love with Bondi because of its laid back vibe and beautiful scenery. Through new eyes, I noticed little details that many locals may look over because they are immune to the beauty of their own city.

When I think about locals not fully appreciating their surroundings, I get frustrated. How could you not fall in love every time you step on the yellow sand on Manly Beach? How could you ever get tired of the city skyline overlooking an immense, endless blue sky?

And then it hit me. I, myself, am guilty of becoming immune to my beautiful hometown surroundings. I have had the Great Smoky Mountains in my backyard my entire life, and I am no longer phased by their beauty. Sure I get excited when the leaves change colors, but I no longer have that spark in my eye like a tourist.

During my short time in Sydney, I’ve discovered that life is better when you slow down. When I return to East Tennessee, I hope I am able to see my town through the eyes of a tourist.

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