Tuesday, January 30, 2018

The Truth About Disconnecting

This past week was a challenge for me.  One that was very minor in the grand scheme of problems one can have, but it was still something I needed to overcome.  I figured some will get a laugh from this and others will be able to relate to my story in someway shape or form.

So, here's the thing about Australia.  I have learned the hard way that the internet accessibility in this country, for lack of better terms: sucks.  Now, when we arrived to our apartment complex the first day, they told us that we would be given 20 GB of WiFi a month.  I remember thinking to myself, I have no idea how much that is.  I am sure it will be alright though. Well boy was I oblivious to the truth about how much I use WiFi back in the States.  Essentially, within eight days of being here, I ran out of WiFi at my apartment.  8 days.  However the story gets better.  You see, on the second day of classes, I go to turn on my computer and it wont turn on.  Assuming my laptop is dead I plug it in to charge when I get to class and the light successfully came on.  I take my notes for class on paper that day and after a three hour long history lecture, I return to get my laptop from the wall outlet.  I press the power button and all I see is a black screen.  Confused, I start to panic and think about all of the worst possible outcomes such as:

Well if I take my laptop to Apple they will tell me I need a new one and then I am going to have to spend all of my spring break money on a new computer.

There were all sorts of thoughts running through my head at that very moment.  After class that day, I took my laptop to the Apple store into the nearest mall by campus.  They said they could fix my laptop in 5-7 days free of charge because I had Apple Care.  Thank goodness. I leave the store happy to be getting my computer fixed free of charge until I get a text message.  The text message was from my Australian phone provider saying that I have run out of data for the month.  Well that was just the icing on the cake.  I couldn't text or FaceTime unless I had data or WiFi connection both of which I did not have and on top of all of this, I was traveling to an island for a church camp for three days where I now wouldn't be able to communicate with anyone besides the people on this island. I was so distraught and upset about the situation, that I almost did not go to Powerhouse Summerfest which ended up being one of the greatest weekends of my life.

The point to my story was more than just explaining this past week and for you to get a good laugh.  It was really to convey the idea that nowadays, we cannot travel or do anything without our phones.  Sure you need your phone to tell people where you are or get in contact when you need to, but being disconnected made me realize how much more I have to appreciate that I didn't see before.  The truth is, my available WiFi will be reloaded, my computer will be fixed and my data usage will be reset all in a matter of a few days.  That amazing church camp I went to however, was a once in a lifetime opportunity that I will most likely never get again.  I think it's time we start to put down the phones more often and really realize what is right in front of us, I know I will be doing that more for sure.

Until next time,

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