Tuesday, January 30, 2018


Two weeks in Australia has already taught me so much about myself and the world. Being surrounded by such a plethora of cultures, languages, and scenes has kept me mesmerized since my plane landed Down Under. Being constantly in motion, seeing and doing so many extraordinary things has been a whirlwind of the most vibrant colors and feelings. However, it wasn’t until I took some time to just sit and be that I realized how spectacular it all has been.

I should preface this by saying that I am a person who really values and even requires a good bit of alone time in my life. I use this as my time to think, relax, and explore, especially when I am away from home and in a new place. I had begun to feel a bit stressed with school and the hustle and bustle of my daily life here when I realized that I hadn’t set aside any time to myself. So yesterday, I grabbed my headphones and a book and headed to a park near the harbor. I spent a few hours sitting, observing the environment and people around me, and walking all around the area.

Instantly, I was overwhelmed with how just a little bit of alone time can go a long way for me. I was reminded that there is extreme value in taking time for yourself and stopping for a breath of fresh air. I felt so lucky just to be exploring my new home independently, and it made me even more excited about the endless possibilities and wonderful experiences held in my near future in Sydney. 

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