Wednesday, January 24, 2018

My New Reality

G’day from Sydney, Australia!

I truly can’t believe that it’s only been about a week since I arrived. During this short time I have been so captivated by everything I’ve seen and experienced, and I’m already pained at the thought of ever leaving this place. 

Seeing and exploring things that I have only before seen in pictures has been possibly my favorite part of traveling to Australia so far. It has been interesting seeing which things have met, exceeded, and even challenged my expectations. Because this place has been at the very top of my bucket list for as long as I can remember, I’ve obsessed over seeing the sights in pictures from the other side of the world. It has been such a gift to realize my dream of being here. Perhaps the experience that tops this list was landing in Sydney and seeing the Harbor from above, including the Opera House and the Bridge. This is what jumpstarted my excitement to finally be in Sydney!  This was exceeded when I was actually able to step foot at the Harbor on land for the first time, and even explore the Opera House. It’s just crazy that this place is real and that I’m living life here for a while!

From the second I landed in Sydney on, I have so thoroughly enjoyed diving into Australian culture. It is so diverse and lively here- even school isn't so bad! Everyone I have met locally has been welcoming and friendly, and I'm also having such fun getting to know everyone in the group.

Interestingly enough, Sydney is the only place that has ever exceeded my inner expectations immediately upon my arrival.  In my past experiences with long-term traveling, it has taken a bit of time to become comfortable somewhere new before beginning to become fully enamored, however Sydney has had me head over heels since I saw it from the plane in the sky. The weather, scenery, people, culture, and overall feel of everything here has absolutely captivated me.

Already my time here has called me to be present and in the moment. The people, places, and experiences have fallen nothing short of wonderful. There is so much joy to be seen and shared in every precious second, and my happiness is overflowing!

Until next time.

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