Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Swooping in Sydney

I grew up with fairy tales. My grandma and I would have movie picnics in the living room on a blanket with grilled cheese, pickles, and chocolate milk and rewatch Sleeping Beauty or Cinderella for the millionth time. Growing up with these stories I began to believe in the messages and characters such as the fairy godmother. She swoops in at a time of need and magically helps everything fall into place. My mother has always been my fairy godmother but unfortunately she couldn’t travel to Sydney with me. So who was going to swoop in when I needed swooping in Sydney?!

I didn’t realize that there could be so many fairy godmothers in such a short period of time but I guess being a young American in a new country sends out signals to FG’s in the area. Leslie was FG #1. She came into our lives out of no where, fabulous, in charge and incredibly knowledgeable about the city of Sydney. It was only our first week in Australia and we didn’t know anything. We didn’t know how to get around the city, where the cool beaches were, where the good pubs were and she planted herself on the boat tour we were on and spilled all of her well earned knowledge on us. I filled up and enter page of notes, just from talking to her on where we should go and when, and what places have deals and discounts. That day, I don’t believe we knew we needed a fairy godmother but I am definitely thankful for that encounter and can’t wait to try out some of her suggestions. 

Then came FG#2, Emma. Emma swooped in in the middle of the hustle and bustle of Australia Day at Manly Beach. Our group had spent a fabulous day on the beach relaxing with no worry at all that we would have the frantic afternoon in store for us. We had just finished stuffing our faces and realized the ferry was leaving…without us. We got down to the docks and realized that the ferry’s weren’t running anymore, the other boat that was about to leave was full and we started panicking because we were about to spend the night on Manly beach with the bats and jellyfish. Cue FG#2. Emma swooped us up and took us back across the street to a bus stop and rode with us all the way back to the city. She was free spirited and had a laugh that deeply reminded me of my high school AP english teacher, so I liked her. If she hadn’t helped us figure out how to get home that day, we would have been stranded in Manly and who knows what would have happened. 

Instances like these remind me what my grandma “Tee” told me before I left the states. She said that she was sending her angels out to look over me while I was on this adventure. Whether these women were fairy godmothers or angels, I take comfort in knowing I have somebody constantly looking out for me while I am experiencing this amazing trip. Looking out for FG#3!

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