Saturday, February 24, 2018

Funnel Bay: Like Nowhere Else on Earth (Psych!) (Hahahah Made You Walk 9 Miles)

     Let me tell you about this one time.  Actually let's restart this intro.

     Have you seen the movie, The Lion King? It is a Disney movie, arguably the best. There is this one part of the movie, where Simba has ran away from his home on Pride Rock, and has found himself in the jungle. Timon, and Pumbaa take him under their wing, and show him around their jungle home.

     The specific scene I am referencing is the part where Timon clears some leaves from Simba's view, and there is this beautiful jungle complete with clear, sparkling waters before them. It looks like paradise.

     That is comparable to the place we were traveling to during our spring break. Addie, Carson, Cal, Ryan, and I all went to Airlie Beach for part of our spring break. Close by was Funnel bay, a place we found on the internet that looked breathtaking. I am talking clear turquoise waters with almost white sand lining the oceanfront.

     The only semi-downside was that it was around a 3 mile walk there. The estimated walk time was around an hour and a half. We could easily get there no problem.

     About a quarter of the way my chacos had tightened up, I did not wish for this to happen. Nor did I know how to fix it. I already had some blisters, but now they're rubbing even more.

     Caron's ankle was hurting her as well. She toughed it out, and continued on (Shoutout to Carson for that, you're honestly really strong). We had walked halfway there, with only a little bit left to go when we saw that the next leg of the journey was a semi-steep incline. It looked like it never ended.

     We mustered up everything, and continued on. We kept the mental image of those turquoise waters in our minds as we climbed the hills. Once to the top of the hill, there was an equally long down hill portion that we all looked forward to walking on the way back.

      Finally we made it to the street where we turn left, and walk down the road to the beach. It was quite a long road. We saw a sign pointing the direction of the beach. We continue down that road as well. At last there is a billboard advertising Funnel Bay, which excites us (Pictured Below). It also displays the clear blue waters as we had seen online.

     As we continue hiking down this road we come upon this neighbourhood we have to go through to get to the beach. However, it is not built yet. There is only lots of land that are labeled as sold.

At the front of this soon to be neighbourhood is a sign directing us to walk through the neighbourhood to get to the beach. We walk down the path, and into neighbourhood.

We notice that there are construction workers staring at us. They are working on the semi-built houses that are deeper in this neighborhood. We begin to feel like we are not suppose to be here.

Suddenly Cal started speaking in Spanish really loudly. In order to deter the construction workers from approaching us I guess. We all start giggling, and laughing.

Which definitely blew our Spanish cover. Once we pass all of the construction, we are coming upon the beach.

 We are trying to get a glimpse of the place that is like nowhere else on earth.

We walk a little faster and then... we finally see it. We have finally arrived at funnel bay. It is definitely like no where else on earth. Below is a photo of Funnel bay that I took.

Apparently Funnel Bay is still in the works.

We all laughed out of frustration, and irony at this horrible beach.
This is the beach we walked 3 miles for. This is it. Like nowhere else on earth, that is for sure.

But how can this situation be worse?
How can our lives mimic a bad comedic movie even more?

It started thundering, the clouds turned even more grey, and our feet hurt.

We took once last look at Funnel Bay,  giggled, and stated that in 5-10 years Funnel Bay will be the place  to visit. We were the first tourist of Funnel Bay.

Our hike back was even more exhausting than the hike there. There was not a bus stop close. So we had to hike back up the mountain and down, to get to a bus stop.

The bus dropped us off close to home. We somehow ended up walking around 9 miles that day. We all decided to go to a beach we had previously been to that is close to home.

The sunset we witnessed that night was beautiful. The atmosphere was blissful and regenerating.

It was comparable to Timon, and Puma's paradise.

        Sometimes what we are looking for is closer to home than we think.

Australia has been incredible, and we are not even half way through this amazing program.

 It feels like we are halfway through though. Our classes have ended. We all are finishing our history papers that are due Monday. Our internships start tomorrow, I will keep you guys posted on my incredible internship!

I have had so much fun these last six and a half weeks. Probably some of the most fun I have had in my life.

'Moving' to Australia has been different to say the least. I am not really homesick, nor would say that I have been. Much to my parent's dismay, I am not wanting keep constant communication. I do not know exactly why. Maybe I am subconsciously preventing homesickness, or maybe I am distancing myself to grow, and learn.

 I am 19 years old, and took my first plane ride here to Australia. I had my first apartment at 18. I moved out, and started college at 17. I have been pushed to grow up.

I will admit I was not ready to move out, and start college. It was hard, I was still mentally in High School. However, being pushed throughout the last couple years of my life has enabled me to pack up, and move over 9,000 miles away from home.

What this program has helped me the most with is learning more about life and friendships. Not about how in 1788, the first fleet of British convicts and militants arrived in Botany Bay of Australia; in hopes of establishing a penal colony for Britain.

Which reminds me, I need to finish my history paper, I got distracted and started writing this. LOL Aussie Abbie signing off!

Wednesday, February 14, 2018

My Best Life

Perhaps the toughest thing I've come to terms with is the fact that I've already had the pleasure of living in Australia for one whole month. This is insane for me to even write right now because it feels like I've only been here a few days. I'm constantly shown and reminded of the beauty and curiosity that is this place and I can't believe the immense impression it has had on me without me even noticing.

I really feel as if I am in a transitional time in my life. Not only is the program transitioning from school to internship, but I can feel myself becoming a severe and completely me version of myself, which is something I haven't felt in a while. Everything feels just right today and I am in such happy anticipation of what is to come. 

That's not to say that I have forgotten about home, or that I don't miss it. Just this weekend I was reminded of Tennessee when we took a trip into the Blue Mountains. Parts of the area truly reminded me of the Smokies, and I remember thinking to myself how bewildering it is to be on the other side of the world, in a place so awestrikingly beautiful, standing in such a mellifluous silence, thinking it almost looks like home. There is so much to see on this planet, and with each sight and experience, one can see home, no matter how far away they may be, and I think there's such an ineffable beauty to that.

Overall, I really can't even put my experiences and feelings in regards to this first month in Sydney into words, and I can't imagine the hiraeth I will experience upon my return home. Waking up every morning knowing it's going to be a lovely day is a gift unlike any other. I'm at such a happy and peaceful state, almost dreamlike, and I really couldn't be more thankful for this past month. The people, sights, sounds, tastes, and feelings have been unmatched, and I can hardly wait to see what the future has in store.

The Blue Mountains:

 The Three Daughters

 Wentworth Falls

Wentworth Falls

Some Highlights from Month #1 in Oz

My first sight of wild 'roos!
 First day in Sydney. It was so surreal seeing this city for the first time after looking at pictures of it for so long!

 Watson's Bay

Australia Day 

 Sunny days at Bondi

In case you're interested in seeing more my experience, follow my instagram: @xtinakill32 or my photography account: @stinas_lens 

Living Without Mom

It's strange when you move to a new place without your parents.

You spend 18 years of your life with someone to take care of you and to blindly follow. You never really have to pay attention to where you're going because your mom can get you there. You don't really have to worry about getting sick because your mom will take care of you. You don't really have to budget because your mom will come to the rescue.

Moving to Knoxville in 2016 was definitely a shock, but that was nothing compared to moving to the other side of the globe.

At least we were in the same time zone.

Laundry at our apartment costs $4 AUD per load (just to wash) which is as much as an iced coffee. I spend $8 AUD on one load to wash and dry which is as much as a cheap meal that isn't from Maccas. With prices like that, laundry every other week is hard to justify, and the pile is just getting higher. I miss my mom.

I went to the movies last night and forgot to plan on buying a ticket ahead of time, so we had to go half an hour out. We squeaked into the movie as the opening credits began. Where was my mom to help me plan? Still asleep, I hope. I miss my mom.

There is so much guesswork living in a foreign city. With pretty much no background in public transit, every time we get on a bus we cross our fingers and hope it's the right one. No one ever thinks to check if a place is actually open before we go because literally only moms think of that. I miss my mom.

I almost feinted in Ash Wednesday Mass because the heat was unbearable, and I was shocked by how much of my mother's words came to me as I told myself to stop kneeling, stand up, walk outside, get fresh air, find some water, take communion, sit back down. I only knew that kneeling was problematic because my mom told me once that it cuts off circulation. I miss my mom.

Honestly, how do people survive without their moms?

I miss my mom.

Hold on to the memories, they will hold on to you.

If you know me, you know I love Taylor Swift.

On her latest album there’s a track called New Year’s Day. This song holds a special place in my heart not only because the title is my birthday, but because the lyrics hit me hard. When brainstorming ideas for this blog, New Year’s Day started playing and Taylor sang these sweet lyrics:

“Hold on to the memories, they will hold on to you.”

I have made so many unforgettable memories during my month here in Sydney. Most have been documented on social media, but some of my favorite memories are the inside jokes I share with my fellow CCI Global Scholars. These are the ones we’ll tell our friends about when we get home and it’ll be a “You had to be there” moment.

For my CCI Global Scholars, this one’s for you.
  • Toast time. Peanut butter and honey, enough said.
  • Cal’s sunburned hands and feet
  • Married at First Sight marathons
  • $1 slurpees at 7/11
  • Being ignored by Australian dogs
  • Our newest addiction: Tim Tams
  • “Burrr, it’s cold in here. There’s must be some CCI Global Scholars in the atmosphere.”
  • Crazy Cousin Cal and his vegemite toast
  • “I’ve never seen Zack and Addie run so fast”
  • Ryan’s dance battle at Ivy with the Master Chief from Halo and “future Iron Man”
  • Family vine sessions in 508; personal favorites: “Hello,” “Uzahhh,” and “I can’t believe you’ve done this”
  • Creepy crawlies song
  • Picking up boys at a rugby game
  • Finally finding Dr. Pepper but it was $5 a can
  • $1 hot dog day at the Soda Factory
  • Shimmy shoulder dance move
  • Abigail “borrowing” dinosaur wrapping paper from the hallway
  • Telling every local Aussie I meet about Chick-Fil-A, sweet tea, Olive Garden, and Dolly Parton
  • Sprinting to the bridge climb with Carson
  • Janet and Pocahontas
  • Finally finding mac and cheese at the grocery store
  • Our Little Mermaid day at Newcastle and Abigail getting a bright red squid stuck in her hair
  • There’s a fruit thief
  • Aussie Alice and our free chocolate muffin
  • Our fairy godmothers; bless y’all

I cannot believe the first part of the semester is over. I am so blessed to have each and every one of you by my side. It will be so weird to not spend every hour of every day together as a group, but I’m excited to see everyone blossom at your internships. Spring break is right around the corner (I guess technically it’s fall break here in Sydney?) and I can’t wait. Here we come Whitsunday Island and the Great Barrier Reef!

Thank you Phase 1 for the memories. Here’s to Phase 2.

Also, a special thank you to Dr. Miller for being the best mom and looking after all of us crazy kids. We'll miss you!

Eat Pray Love & No Return Ticket Home

Eat Pray Love & No return ticket home.

In 1962, Tony Bennett came out with the song “I left my heart in San Francisco” This song soon became one of the anthems for the city and is played religiously on Valentine’s Day in particular.
Today it is Valentine’s Day in the states and a widely celebrated holiday in S.F.
Whether it’s the fresh-baked sourdough bread shaped out of a heart from Boudin or the Ghirardelli Chocolate Factory in full swing there are big festivities in the city being held.
I always have always called the golden gate city my home but as I spend more time here I realize that Sydney could be home for me.
Some may say it’s the lingering honeymoon phase, I say it is just a reality check that I am exactly where I need to be right now.

Yes, maybe Sydney doesn’t have a jazzy Valentine’s day tune but Sydney is given me an overwhelming amount of joy- I think I can excuse the absence of holiday tune.

Calentines Day

Our third week of the study abroad trip was by far the best. We had the opportunity to go hiking at Blue Mountain National Park, which is one of my favorite hobbies. First, we drove an hour and a half to the park with our Australian tour guide, Adam. Once we got there we went to see an amazing view of the three sisters mountain range and hear the myths behind their formation. After the interesting story, we went to a local restaurant where we ate lunch and hydrated for the hike. Because it was so hot that day, we had to cut the hike into segments but we still had an amazing time! We hiked down a trail that lead us to an open area where we saw the most beautiful view. The view was similar to the Smoky Mountains but it was also very “desert looking.” In fact, the entire park reminded me of the outback, which is an area of Australia I want to see before I leave. 

The other area we hiked ended at a pool of natural water between two large mountains. Our group took turns diving in the water that was freezing cold since it was hidden by the shadows of the mountains on either side. We froze in the water, but managed to hike back up the trail where we road the tour bus to our last destination. Our tour guide created face paint with the iron in the rock and mixed water with it to make red paint. Since I am adventurous, I painted my face with stripes to look like a native warrior. Besides the fun and pictures, the view was also incredible at this spot. You could see for miles and the valley below us looked like it stretched out to the horizon. Overall, the experience was incredible and I enjoyed it so much more because hiking is one of my favorite past-times.

The last thing I did this week that was exciting was eating a passion fruit. Since I was a kid, I always wanted to try one because they look so satisfying and I could not buy them in Nashville, TN. I looked up a video on how to cut dragon fruits and cut them up into bite-sized pieces. The fruit was a little more watery than I expected and not as tasteful, but I got to fulfill one of my childhood wishes in the process. Lastly, before my birthday on Valentines Day, some of us went to Woolworths (basically a Walgreens) to get some ice cream. To my satisfaction, I found coffee flavored ice cream for a really low price. We also went to an amazing wing restaurant called Wings and Tins. They had buffalo sauce and a special deal (eight wings for $6), which made my birthday so much better than it already was. After this, we walked to another ice cream place called Max Brenner’s and I got the 80’s milkshake. It was chocolate ice cream with a scoop of vanilla on top covered in magic shell chocolate coating. My birthday was perfect, and celebrating it not only in a different country but also during the Summertime made it unique. This week has been a blast so far and I am so happy I got to celebrate my birthday with such a great group of friends!        


Wings And Tins