Monday, February 5, 2018

A Girl with a Goal

On Monday night I decided to go on a run along Darling Harbour.  As I was running, I looked around and was in awe of how beautiful the area was.  On one side I was running along the water and on the other, the street was filled with restaurants, shops and many other things.  I realized on that run again how lucky I am to be in Sydney.  The thing is though, I know from talking with friends, it feels to a lot of us everyday feel like we just go to 5.5 hours of class and then go back to our apartment to do homework and then go to bed.  After thinking of that, I decided to try and set a goal for a remainder of the trip.  If successfully completed it will allow me to hopefully experience as much as I can while in Sydney.   

My goal is to do something new in Sydney everyday.  

Now I don't mean go break the bank and do things incredibly expensive each afternoon I just mean, going on a run, going to a new park, trying out a new coffee shop, really anything that I can do.  This current week is a great example:

Monday: Run along Darling Harbour 
Tuesday: See the movie "The Post" in theaters
Wednesday: Visit my internship for the first time
Thursday: Family Dinner at Casa
Friday: Early morning walk at Bondi and Acai Brothers Bondi for breakfast
Saturday: Blue Mountains
Sunday: Newcastle

I intend to try something new each day so that I push myself to go out and experience things to do that can make my day a little bit more interesting.  Each week at the end of my blog post I will do a list of one new thing I did each day and what I plan on doing that weekend to not only keep myself accountable, but also give new ideas to the future CCI Global Scholars when they are in a rut.  I can't wait to see where this goal takes me and I am excited to look back and see all of the new things I will have done.  

Until next time,

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