Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Commencing Phase Two

Maybe it's a cop-out to write my fourth blog post as a reflection on the last four weeks, but, to be honest, we have two papers to write this week, exhaustion is sticking to me more and more by the day, and all I've had the time or energy to do is reflect back on the last few weeks.

On Friday, we'll be done with school. Phase one of this program will be over - how crazy is that? We've done so much in the last almost-month. I saw the Harbour Bridge and the Opera House for the first time. I've been to Palm Beach, the Blue Mountains, and Newcastle. I've met wallabies and kangaroos. I've learned all about Rugby 7's. I've spent more time on the beach in the last four weeks than the last ten years of my life, and I have the tan to prove it. 

It's been a month of having new experiences, meeting new people, making new friends. It's been a solid month of new, and it's been overwhelming and exhausting at times. 

I won't lie. I spent most of the first two weeks here feeling in over my head, questioning if coming here was the right choice. I had moments I was so tired, homesick or lonely I thought I might not be able to do this. But for every one of those moments, there was a beautiful landscape, a delicious meal, an adventure day, or a laugh with a new friend to lift my spirits.

In the past week, it's blown my mind how comfortable I feel here now. It happened overnight. I woke up one morning and thought "I live here now." 

On Saturday I leave for a trip across Australia on my own, phase two of this trip. When I come back, I'll start my internship, phase three. I know it will all be over before we know it.

I can't stop reflecting on how unique this is. Will I ever have another time in my life where my only job is to have adventures and grow as as person? I can't stop being amazed with how much I've already grown, how different I feel from the girl who got on a plane in Knoxville. Honestly, I can't wait to meet the person I am nine weeks from now. 

It's been a rollercoaster. The lows have been low, but the highs have been soaring. I know soon it will all change again. But I love this place. I love the people I'm here with. My goal is to live in every moment, staying aware of how special this is. 

Sydney - I feel like I've known you forever, yet I miss you already. I'm excited for what comes next. 



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