Wednesday, February 7, 2018

It still looks like America here. Help.

     Can anyone tell me why I have not come to terms with the fact I am in the wild Australia? I have not had the "Oh...MY...GOSH Becky we're HERE," moment. I would be more traditional in my approach of that moment but who's asking. I do not understand my almost nonchalant feelings. Is it just a phase? This feeling might be due to the fact my mom texts me everyday, and sends me videos of my dog, Duke, eating breakfast every morning. I love those videos of him chomping, and wagging his tail. I am happy to be here do not get me wrong. I will just keep you posted. 

     I came to Australia with what I thought were no expectations, but as an American girl I kind of thought I was going to be treated like the Pineapple Princess. I thought all the Aussie boys would love our accent, and want to walk on the beach with us. I had prepared myself to live a delusional life. The fact of the matter is that there are so many different kinds of human beings here, that unless you're famous, or play the didgeridoo no one cares. Also the fact of the matter is that Australian women are pretty. I mean look at Margot Robbie, or Nicole Kidman they are both stunning. The Australian men are not up for slim pickings. SO that was a sad wake up call. 

     Side note: Australia really does not look all that different to me than America. Could it be due to the fact that I don't travel much, and the ethnocentrism makes my brain assume every place in the world is America? I do not know. Asking for a friend... 

     Also it is not uncommon for people here to be anti-American. Which sounds crazy to us Americans. I still do not completely understand. How can anyone dislike the national anthem, The Star Spangled Banner, or Family Guy? Which Netflix just took off from their website... along with Dexter. I am going to use this platform to protest. I am switching to Hulu

     Anyways, aside from my personal struggles with Netflix, one thing that I found interesting in class is that Aussie children do not learn their constitution. Most adults have not even read or looked at it. There is no national anthem before any sports games or anything. In America as young 4th graders we were taught and tested on if we knew the preamble to the constitution. Thankfully School House Rock made it a song and most of us still know it today!

     I think it is possible that the level of importance put on being American, lead to our high levels of nationalism. Which is perfectly fine, I love America. By contrast, Australians seem to not have as much "loud" nationalism as us Americans. On Australia day there was not a lot of noise, or commotion celebrating the day. It was far more chill than the fourth of July is in America. 


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