Sunday, February 11, 2018

Saying Yes

This past weekend we ventured off to the Blue Mountains as a group.  I enjoy hiking and exploring new places, so I was very excited to go and see these mountains.  In the morning the clouds were out and it was cooler in downtown Sydney.  However, when we arrived at the Blue Mountains the skies cleared up, the sun was shining and we all began to sweat.  Really fast.  The overlooks and the hiking we did was so fun, but it easily wore me out.  Reluctantly, I kept with the group and kept an eye out, as the instructor said to, for possible snakes in the brush.  The views just kept getting more and more beautiful as the day went on.  My favorite part by far was when we hiked down into a canyon and made it to Wentworth Falls, a beautiful shaded waterfall at the bottom.  When we got there I saw people swimming, and canyon diving.  The sight was incredible.  After we made it to the bottom, we waited for the bottom of the waterfall to clear and we all took off our coverups to go for a swim.  As I walked towards the clearing where you could swim, my feet froze from the chilling natural spring water.  Scared to jump in, I was lucky enough to have Liza push me in before I could chicken out.  The first jump was definitely the hardest.  Smiling from the chills, we all decided to try jumping off a cliff, which was probably 12 feet high, into the water.  After seeing a few people jump off, I decided it was my turn.  Standing on the cliff I was nervous but I didn't think twice.  I jumped and felt a huge sense of exhilaration hit me as I landed in the freezing cold water.   When I surfaced all I could do was smile.  It was that "when in Rome" type of moment and I loved every minute.  The moral of the story is that along with having a goal of doing something new everyday, I also want to just say yes more.  As a pretty adventurous person to begin with, this only makes me more excited to see where saying yes can take me.  I want to leave Australia with no regrets knowing that I have done all that I have had the chance of doing, and saying yes is the one-way ticket to having the best time possible.  Below are some photos of the Blue Mountains and a list of all I plan to accomplish this week.

Until next time,

Weekly update on my goal:
Monday: Try a new coffee shop
Tuesday: Tour of the Quad
Wednesday: Try concrete jungle cafe
Thursday: See the Opera Carmen
Friday: Skype future CCI Global Scholars
Saturday: Leave for New Zealand!
Sunday: Get to Te Anau

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