Wednesday, February 7, 2018

The Sweetest Victory

The beginning of this week has been a blur. Every week the pace of this trip has been gaining momentum. Friday we began our day at 8:30 as we went on a long 6-mile hike from Spit beach to Manly beach. Through the pouring rain, mud, and sand we questioned why we were hiking in such terrible weather. I was so delirious that morning I even forgot to take my laptop out of my backpack. Luckily I packed a towel that I draped over my shoulders and bag, which saved me about $1,300 along the way. However, just when we were ready to give up, the rain stopped. Just like Florida, the clouds parted and the sun began to come out providing the perfect hiking conditions. Our efforts were rewarded with fish and chips and a nice thirty-minute nap on the ferry back home.
The next day our day started at 8:30 again, but this time we were heading to the Taranga Zoo. Again, the rain fell on our heads most of the morning on the way across the harbor to the zoo. But once we got there, the weather cleared. We got to see a seal show, which was incredible! I never realized how smart they were and how easily they could follow commands from their trainers. We also got to pet a kangaroo, see koalas, and admire all kinds of amazing animals native to Australia. On top of our wild weekend, classes threw us a curve ball this week with extra assignments and papers to prepare for our final week of school. Despite how tired we all were, everyone conquered the week and made it to classes with every assignment turned in. I suppose the moral of this post is that no matter what life throws at you, you will always make it past it. Whether it is sleep deprivation, freezing rain, sand in your sneakers, or making it to class late because you missed your stop on the bus, never give up because the end of the journey is the sweetest victory.


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