Monday, February 12, 2018

Love is...

While everyone else was exploring Newcastle or going to the beach, I spent this past Sunday at the Powerhouse Museum behind our apartment building. It is a part of the Museum for Applied Arts and Sciences. There were all different types of exhibits ranging from Australian wedding fashion to how to make your home environmentally friendly. My two favorite parts of the museum were the "Love is..." exhibit and the Space Race exhibit.

The "Love is..." exhibit showcased Australian wedding fashion throughout the years and explored how much it has changed. First off, what girl does not like looking at wedding dresses? Most girls would not be opposed. Furthermore, most girls have been dreaming about their wedding day since they were five. However, I have always been one to ponder the idea of eloping one day (sorry Mom), but there is just something about looking at wedding dresses that brings out the innermost girly side of myself. There was a wedding dress I pinned on Pinterest on display, and I about died. It's no secret I love fashion. To me a wedding dress designer is on the same level as Chanel. It does not matter what kind of clothes you design, I will still most likely have a heart attack if I see their apparel I love in person. I absolutely hate rings (you're welcome to whoever I marry), but I even started fangirling over the original Tiffany & Co. cut diamond ring on display. They even had one of the first copies of Harper's Bazaar in this exhibit...what?! It is safe to say I was having the greatest time. It was super interesting to see the similarities and differences between American and Australian weddings. 

I had no idea what would be inside the museum, but to my surprise they had American artifacts from the space race. Immediately when I saw them, I lit up. I have not really had intense feelings of homesickness, but this made me very excited to see a little part of home here in Sydney. Beside the American space artifacts, were Russian ones which I found super interesting. In America, we would never have Russian artifacts, especially not historical artifacts from the space race. We learn in elementary school that Russia was trying to make it to the moon the same time we were, but that is about it. It was intriguing to see how the museum showcased both competitors in the space race by taking a neutral stance of just facts. It makes me really wonder what it would be like if America displayed Russia as the other competitor in our museums.

I do not see myself getting married any time soon or going to the moon, but I do know what love is to me right now. Love is my friends and family pushing me to pursue things that I am passionate about - exploring new countries and immersing myself in different cultures.


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