Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Happy Tears

This week has been the most challenging so far. If you remember my first blog post and the letter my mom snuck into my luggage, well I opened it this week. 

If I was at home right now, I would probably be procrastinating statistics homework, snuggling my pupper, Belle Francis, trying to sell Sigma Sketti tickets, or hanging with my friends on the strip and the fort. I would be making fun of Megan’s goose laugh, watching Grease with Madison, or laughing over the weird stuff that happened the night before with my littles. There would be preparing for All Sing with my big and planning spring break and watching Pippin and Loki, my kittens, grow up. I would be on ped walkway trying to get people to talk about The Heights and schmoozing them with hot chocolate and getting rejected over and over. I would also be freezing, cause winter. But I am in Australia. Away from the hustle and bustle of life at The University of Tennessee and in the different kind of hustle and bustle of Sydney. Since I have been here, I have done so many incredible things. What is so great on top of all of these incredible experiences is the group of people that experienced them with me.
I didn’t know a single person before coming here. I had missed meetings and was too shy to introduce myself at the early ones. I also thought my roommate was Australian because Allie wasn’t in the groupme and I had no idea who she was. (Shout out to Allie for being the best roomie).  So I definitely got on the plane and left my family and friends not knowing who I was going to be hanging out with or even living with for the next three and half months.

Now I couldn’t imagine being here with any other group of people. From climbing the bridge with Addie and discovering that we live in a snow globe, singing old Shania Twain and Dixie Chicks with Allie late at night, pancake dates and shimmying with Abigail, eating dollar hotdogs with crazy cousin Cal and Zack, or even just going to Maccas after a long day with the ladies of 6.08. I have cried more from laughter than from homesickness and I couldn’t be more grateful. I wouldn't take back any MAFS watchings, old school T Swift and ABBA singalongs or hysterically crying over a whistling microwave. Even though y’all tease me for my fear of spiders, you know who you are, or laugh at me when the hall light automatically goes off and I fall off the couch, y’all have been the most welcoming, encouraging and comforting group of people I have met and am so lucky to have been placed on this trip with y’all. 

 Aside from the amazing group on this adventure and my moms letter,  there was Dr. Miller. Dr. Miller has made my day better every time I have seen her these past four weeks. Her smiling face is always so friendly and she seems to know exactly the right things to say to make me feel better. Her constant checking in to make sure we are all managing the changes well and are well hydrated is always appreciated and makes me feel safe. Also we share the same passion for iced coffee which is a blessing. Thank you so much Dr. Miller for everything you do for us everyday and making this transition incredibly easier. PLEASE DON'T LEAVE.

As we are all about to depart on our separate ways for spring break adventures, I just want to say thank you for the past month. Even though we all have maybe been around each other too much at times, I am so thankful for y'all and can't wait to hear about your adventures. Whitsundays here we come!

*Happy Tears is a term used frequently in my family referring to our road trips to Disney World when I was little. When I could finally see the Mouse ears in the distance I would usually cry and now it has been a running phrase for when we are so happy we can't help but cry. Thanks Grandma!

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